a spectacular advancement of memories split morning
Ad sinarum gentem Isarescu-Theodor withdrawal number forty-five
Iataganul hidden under the wood stack
Incestul semantic triggered by each aliteratie
Let's let
tells me Ioana
the rest of the world empatizeaza with women who spat hyphens nichelate
laments triggers their seismic sequences similar
With the vibration unanswered call
throw cup of tea under the wheels of a freight train
Ioana settles in his knees on potato peels and needle syringe
what the hell are you doing what seemed a wonder that he would evolve in Cluj Napoca
a manikin Asian or a crystal globe liar
what the hell are you doing
Ioana says
I conceals pain would not see
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..